Monday, April 14, 2008

Thing #20: Libraries and Social Networks

I chose Facebook because it's the fastest growing social network and I wanted to see what it's all about. In truth, though, participating in an online social network is completely contrary to my nature. I read the background resources before proceeding and tried to heed warnings of privacy before set-up.

I completed my initial profile, added three friends, and joined groups that were closest to the reason for my Facebook presence...23 Things on a Stick, Library 2.0, and Libraries & Librarians interest groups. When one of my chosen friends accepted my friendship, I wrote on her wall.

Reflecting on Facebook's amazing growth, I think it's due to the power of compounding friends. Multiplying through institutions and the world of students who want to be where their friends are, Facebook deserves its reputation. Now that I'm invested as a user, I deeply hope that Facebook will respect the information with which it's been entrusted as a collaborative tool.

Will I continue using Facebook after the 23 Things project is over? Well, an old high school friend has already found me, so I'm probably hooked!


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