Friday, April 4, 2008

Thing #13: Online Productivity Tools

Thing 13 drove me to (finally) deal with MyYahoo which I've used for (junk) email for years. I'd never taken the time to configure and customize MyYahoo home page since 99% of my computer work is done on the job with MSOutlook and our corporate intranet.

This activity got me thinking that MyYahoo could be a very useful home page, especially if I populated it with the Yahoo calendar, the list maker, bookmarks, my favorite headline sources, and started adding RSS feeds. What if I left this job tomorrow? MyYahoo now enhanced with calendar, newsfeeds, etc., would look pretty good then!

TinyURL is unique - I'd recommend it to conquer impossibly long URLs as well as to disguise them when necessary. Lifehacker is great - I added it to Bloglines and MyYahoo and had a hard time ripping myself away from it. I can't wait to find a particular kind of fruit suggested to freeze in ice cubes to flavor glasses of water - great tip for a non-soda drinker. I've also bookmarked as a conversion tool for PDFs at home.

Of all the other tools suggested, the one I want to pursue in depth is Backpack as a business organizer and team-sharing tool. It's very task- and calendar-driven. As I followed the Backpack tutorial, I kept thinking about the Common Craft video about the wiki from Thing 10. Then I found the Backpack testimonial confirming it's "all the fun of a Wiki without any of the learning curve."

I think online to-do lists are useful if they're attached to a tool you're already using, not just another separate service. I'm really a hand-written-to-do-list-in-the-purse kind of person. If I have a list on the computer, I'll print it out and it'll just be a bigger piece of paper in my purse. I still maintain a Franklin (Covey) Planner so you know where I'm coming from!


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