Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thing #21: Beyond MySpace: Other Social Networks

View my page on 23 Things on a Stick

I'm feeling very socially networked! I read the suggested articles - particularly good one by Steve Campion with solid tips on building a social network in the library. Another good one by Jim Louderback, "My Guide to Social Networks," which I shared with my daughter. She completely agrees with him on LinkedIn - you must be there to further your career.

I joined the 23 Things on a Stick Ning and left comments for another member, uploaded photos, and added the Ning badge to my blog (above). Just to get out of the library world, I joined Fuzzster and added my grandcat.

I'm a member of these online communities: Facebook (& 3 subgroups), 23 Things on a Stick Ning, LibraryThing, SLA.com, and Fuzzster. I checked my membership in WebJunction and found it not to be active. I was not successful in my tries to re-establish it. For now, all of these communities are interesting, but I don't have enough time in my life to make an honest contribution to them all. And there will be new networks that look more appealing.


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