Sunday, April 13, 2008

Thing #19: Podcasts

I listened to these podcasts: "Minitex on the Road, Interview with Tom Shaughnessy" and "AmateurTraveler #130-Finland." I added AmateurTraveler and Nancy Pearl's BookLust to my Bloglines feeds. was the easiest directory to use. had a handy alpha list finder, but all of the podcasts I looked at seemed to be under some kind of embargo...none that I found were dated 2008. showed R- and X-rated content on the home page so I didn't go beyond that point. Yahoo Podcasts contained lots of music sites. Educational Podcast Directory offered the fewest choices.

Thing #19 has inspired me to listen to the AmateurTraveler and BookLust podcasts regularly. I haven't been inspired to do any podcasting myself...I'm happy to enjoy the podcasts of others for now. But if I change my mind, I'll be going back to the podcast-generating references in News-#19.

b weldon

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