Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Thing 3 - RSS

My Bloglines account is set up with 20 feeds added. I installed "Sub with Bloglines" to more easily add feeds. Most of my feeds are library-related but another one is from our parent company with corporate and product announcements. I added Boing Boing for its randomness and BBC for a newsfeed. I'm still reviewing 23 Things blogs for one to add.

The concept of RSS feeds is great...if I choose to go to Bloglines and read them. It seems, though, that unless you're compelled to read someone's post or are chasing a hot topic, you may not bother with your feeds for days or weeks.

Newsfeeds are everywhere - our intranet (work) main page, on displays in the hallways around the building, my home computer browser home page, every public area including airports...it's hard not to know, at least, some piece of news. So, my Bloglines newsfeed may most often be used for recall or more detail of recent stories from BBC.


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